Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is Your Hunger Greater Than Your Fears? Part 3

Using discomfort to your advantage

In our society we are conditioned to expect comfort, fulfillment and pleasure, now and at all times. Day or night, if we need cash we can go to a machine, punch in some numbers and money comes out. If we’re hungry but either too busy or simply can’t be bothered to buy groceries and prepare a meal, we drive up to a box, speak into it and   *presto*, food appears through a window.

Having been nurtured in these excessively cushioned environments where we expect the immediate and continued fulfillment of our needs, we’re often shocked find ourselves totally unprepared for Reality and the essential role that ‘discomfort’ plays in the growth and development of our total being.

To be clear, what I’m speaking of here is different from the kind of momentary flare ups of being upset with something that has occurred in a given day or week. These are the types of things that frustrate us but not to the extent where we feel we’re at a breaking point and have to take drastic action.

Within the context I’ve outlined in the past 2 blogs, experiencing prolonged discomfort is very important information. Long-term anger, resentment, bitterness, stress, depression, anxiety and hopelessness signals that you have outgrown your comfort zone and now have an evolutionary decision to make in just the same way as the bird who had outgrown its shell. It is a sign that as a natural, evolving being you are ready to go to the next and extraordinary stage of your development.

However, in a social climate that tells us we’re supposed to feel good all the time, and if we don’t there’s something wrong with us, we might not recognize Discomfort as a sign that a great evolutionary step is getting ready to take place, in much the same way as labour pains precede bringing a new life into the world.

In fact, precisely because we have been conditioned to expect comfort as a way of life, these signs are often considered an aberration of the collective norm and are silenced with the use/abuse of antidepressants, alcohol, drugs and the many forms of ‘soft’ addictions that distract us from our discomfort.

Instead of numbing ourselves to the flashing signs signaling a time of growth, it would be infinitely more supportive and beneficial to our personal evolution if we’d recognize them for what they are, step up to the plate and get focused, prepared and excited about entering our next stage of evolution.

There will be some uncertainty
Taking those first steps out of our predictable world of familiar beliefs, behaviours and connections, and stepping into the unknown can be very disorienting. Our fears get triggered, we panic and are filled with racing thoughts of turning back and calling the whole evolution thing off! But understand that these feelings of stress and disorientation are not an indication of failure but are, in fact, a defining characteristic of taking this great step.

Think about it, when that little bird first poked its head out of the shell and was shocked at the strange world staring back, do you think it didn't have a strong urge to pick up the bits of shell and patch up the hole?

So, what’s important to know is that there will be moments when you will feel very uncertain and want to turn back. It’s just a natural part of the process but this is the time when you need to get very clear and focused on your goal, have a great plan, a strong support system and with every ounce of your being, want to get to your destination. Your hunger for it has to be greater that your fears.

The reason why you must risk going forward and break free of the emotional undertow that tries to pull you back to your former, and now ineffective comfort zone, is because this is the only way you can grow to your full potential, experience a deeply fulfilling life and realize your life’s purpose.

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  1. You have just summed up everything I have been going through the last 4 years. I'm am so grateful for the day I first walked into your office and took those first steps out of my comfort zone that ultimately led me to Barcelona. And although it wasn't what I thought it would be when I got here, and I felt (and still feel now and then)the horrible dread of having possibly made a horrible mistake by coming here, I'm also grateful that I've stuck it out. I look back on the 3 years I've been here and think of all the times I was so close to booking a flight back home and calling it quits and I am so happy I didn't - because I know I wouldn't be half the person I am now if I had. And now I stop every day and marvel at how much my life has changed and how fabulous it has all turned out.

  2. I was very impressed with this stuff. The real experience a human gets through some time in life..Hope this be shared with face book! Thanks for!!

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