Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Emotional Detox Diet: Consume less, Give more

Over the years you have, no doubt, heard of many diets and wellness plans for optimal health.

When distilled to their core elements, most of them speak of consuming fewer bad foods, eating more healthy foods, drinking lots of water to flush out toxins and stay hydrated, supplementing with vitamins and other nutritional supports to fortify your body and of course, being more physically active to burn of the unwanted pounds.

Well, how about using this model for optimal Emotional health? As I see it, the Emotional Detox and Wellness Diet would look something like this:

1. Consume less: anger, impatience, resentment, judgment, fear, apathy, addictive behaviours and negative thoughts

2. Give more: consideration, tolerance, understanding, support, encouragement, forgiveness, compassion and Love

3. Cleanse and Hydrate your emotional body by thinking thoughts that fill you with Hope, Joy and Inspiration

4. Fortify your life by surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting people and a loving, encouraging support system

5. Burn off old, toxic emotional energy by doing things that make you glad to be alive, bring a smile to someone's face and make a positive difference in the world. 

Seriously, shouldn't we all be on an Emotional Detox and Wellness Diet?  :) 

For more morsels of Inspiration, be sure to follow me on Twitter:

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