Thursday, November 12, 2009

Good Vibes: Creating the Reality YOU Desire

I'm currently reading a book on String Theory.... Physics, which I have to admit I've had a passion for my whole life, not just physics mind you, anything that helps me understand how this whole thing called Life really works. But before you start thinking I'm a science-type, I need to tell you that the book is called "The Idiot's Guide to String Theory".

Anyway, what this book is teaching me and the point I want to make here is this: peel back all the layers of what things appear to be on the outside, and it all comes down to Vibration (...well, and then some, but that's for another time). Beliefs about yourself and others, behaviors, thoughts, feelings, relationships, things (car, table, apple)..... it's all vibration.

I know you've heard it before but today's the day you're going to hear it again: Change the vibration you have inside you on any given topic, and your Reality i.e. your association to it, changes.

How do you change your vibration?

1. Decide to feel differently
2. Deeply and powerfully Feel the emotions associated with the desired intention so that every cell in your body vibrates with the emotions (much the same way you feel when you fall in love)
3. Back it up with Behavior that is aligned with your goal. (Obviously, use some rational thought with this. Don't go spending a million dollars if you don't have yet)

Do these three things Consistently with Intention and Precision and your Reality changes. Do you have any idea how much power you have, right now, to create the life you desire? Amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder Kristina. Every time I find myself in "challenge" I pause, take that big breath and say to myself, I am here for a reason so I better embrace it and go with the flow. I have decided on a personal level that whether I am in challenge or in joy, I want to be the same person. I decided to stop the drama when things get uncomfortable and just be present with it and know that I can be calm, peaceful, kind, caring, loving and all the other things that I want to be and experience in my life. I did change my vibration because the old me would panic, become a victim and be immobilized by fear. Now I feel the pain of the experience, embrace it and love it back to a place of power inside of me. I get to choose and I love it.
