Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Power to create Change

At any given instant you are both the individual droplet of water in the ocean and the Ocean itself. 

What I mean by this is that you are an individual being, complete with your joys, sorrows, courage, fears and gifts and at the same time, you are a vital part of the Whole: family, community, town, country and Humanity itself. And there in lies your power to be an extraordinary agent of change.  

At the microscopic level, when that tiny droplet of water raises its frequency by cleansing the pollutants it has been carrying and purifies itself, the quality of the Whole at the macro level is positively affected. 

We are often overwhelmed by the issues that are taking place in the world around us; oil spills, natural disasters, wars etc., and to find a way to make a difference  when our own lives are so demanding, can be daunting.

But this little analogy of the water droplet illustrates how you can, in fact, make powerful changes.

Start with yourself! Turn your eyes inwards and locate an area of your thoughts,feelings and behaviors that are heavy and non-productive, then make it your focus to think, feel and do differently on that one issue. It won't happen instantly but keep at it and it will change, you will change and therefore, so will the world around you.

This, I believe, is what Gandhi meant when he said "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." He profoundly understood the power of One.

Now imagine what would happen if many, many 'droplets' did this :)

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